With AIDS on Our Side: Drugs, Aids and Normalization
18th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control
Haarlem, 4-7 september 1990
Ik denk dat de uitgetikte tekst die ik heb teruggevonden de basis vormde voor mijn lezing. Of die tekst later nog bewerkt is tot een artikel, en of dat gepubliceerd is in de Working Papers van het volgende jaar, is mij onduidelijk.
"Paradoxical as it may seem, in the field of drug policy, AIDS has not always been regarded as just a deadly contamination of some drugs consumers. For the drug-relief circuit p.e., it generated considerable amounts of money, which not only helped to expand this specific sector of the welfare industry, but also created new business around AIDS-research, AIDS-publications, AIDS-conferences etc. One person's meat is another one's poison. For lots of people, the combination of illegal drugs and AIDS has created jobs and income and they will probably be very thankful for the emergence of this lucrative couple.
But also for people striving for a fundamental solution of illegal-drugs problems, AIDS has appeared to be an interesting and valuable instrument or tactic."
Hier de volledige tekst.